An introduction by Ben Goymour – “Born in 1985 and lived in Peterborough most of my civilian life. I joined the Army at 16 and served in 29 Commando Regiment as a Bombardier. During that time, I did many tours including training in America with the US Marines, and three tours in Norway completing Arctic Leadership training. I was sent there as a test. They thought if I could lead in the Arctic I could lead anywhere. At the time there was no one else who fit the bill for the job I was training to do. So at the age of 20 yrs old I was deployed to Afghanistan as a Section Commander.
After leaving the Army and becoming a builder & carpenter. I first picked up a brush in February 2017 after a hiking trip to the Lake District. I couldn’t afford a painting I loved in a local gallery, so I decided on my return to paint one for myself. Little did I know that a new career was about to unfold….
I became completely obsessed with painting using every spare moment I could. Getting up at 4am to paint before a full day’s work on site for my building company, then painting all evening became a regular pattern for me.”